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Quito Properties

Buying and Renting a Home or Apartment in Quito Ecuador

Ecuador´s capital city Quito is argued by many to be its most beautiful city. It is reported by expats to be immensely livable, even by those that typically avoid big city life. What makes Quito so special is its diversity. There is a tourist zone--Mariscal Foch--which is alive with discoteques, fine dining, and bars. Just south, in the historic center, you will find one of the most well preserved colonial sites in the Americas. To the north, in QuiCentro, you will find shopping centers, large supermarkets, museums, parks, concerts, and modern conveniences.

Quito has some of the top hospitals in Latin America coupled with some of the most affordable health care costs. This combination attracts tens of thousands of medical tourists to Quito each year, for orthopedic, cosmetic, dental, and other non-emergency surgeries.

Quito is not without its edgy neighborhoods, but on the whole, it is truly a Cosmopolitan city. While there is no single neighborhood in Quito which attracts expats, we advise that your search begin around Parque Carolina. If you do not mind living 20 minutes outside the city, be sure to check out Cumbayá as well, a lovely upscale suburb to the east of Quito.

House For Sale in Quito

House For Sale in Quito
Listing Type
Residential Sale
Property Type
Quito, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Location Type
View Type
Northern View
Total Lot Size
96.00 m² (1,033.33 sq ft)
Total Living Area
147.00 m² (1,582.29 sq ft)

This house with 3 bedrooms and one bathroom is located in Quito, Pichincha Ecuador, in the county of Quito. This property with view is situated in the highlands of Ecuador. The land area of this house is 96.00 square meter (1,033.33 square feet), and it has a living space of 147.00 square meter (1,582.29 square feet).

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