Why Ecuador?
Favorable Immigration Policies - Ecuador´s government has created very favorable policies for expats seeking to relocate to Ecuador, and these start with immigration laws. Residence visa can be received by showing proof of pension, but even for those who aren´t willing to wait that long or don´t have a pension to fall back upon, investment visas require a relatively small amount of capital compared with neighboring countries. While Costa Rica requires investors to put in over $125,000 into the country, Ecuador sets this threshold at a mere $25,000. But even if this is more than you´re ready to spend, there are other ways. Got a degree from an accredited university? With this alone, you can apply for residency 9-V Professionals permanent Resident Visa.
None of this is to say that you can afford not to worry about your immigration status, but with a good attorney and basic knowledge of the options at your disposal, the barriers to residency are low.
Senior Discounts - Ecuador has also implemented policies which offer pronounced benefits to seniors, and these benefits extend to non-Ecuadorean seniors as well: 50% off international flights purchased in Ecuador, cultural and sporting events, electric and water bills. And you don’t have to stand in line at places like the airport and bank. Can´t beat that, right?
Healthcare System - Ecuador´s public health system offers full medical coverage to residents and citizens for $70 a month, with no restrictions on age or preexisting conditions. Since 2008, Ecuador´s investment in healthcare services has increased from $560 million annually to over $2 billion in 2013. These investments have included new generation equipment, such as linear accelerators, which can target inoperable malignant tumors up to seven millimeters in size with a high cure rate. This same treatment in the U.S. would set you back $120,000.
While waits for non-emergency procedures can still be high due to the growing pains involved in the rapidly growing public health system, Ecuador continues to be recognized as having one of the best value healthcare systems in the world. And given the relative ease of becoming an Ecuadorean resident, citizens from all over the world can have access to this system at a relatively low price.
Beautiful Diverse Landscape - Ecuador, despite being about the size of Arizona, has some of the most incredibly diverse landscapes in the world. You can easily begin the day on the coast, travel 6 hours to Ecuador´s Andean cities located at over 3000 meters, and then descend into the Amazon Rainforest on the other side. This is to say nothing of the Galapagos Islands, which of course, are a world all of their own.
Even Ecuador´s cities offer incredible variety. In Quito and Cuenca you will enjoy cities overflowing with colonial old-world charm, while in Guayaquil, you will find a modern, bustling port city and fast paced business climate.
Dollarized Economy - No matter what your opinion is on the U.S. Dollar, it is hard to deny it has been more stable over time than nearly all Latin American currencies. If you are receiving a pension in dollars, then Ecuador´s dollarized system eliminates all foreign currency risk. Although using another nation’s currency can limit a nation´s ability to manage their own economy by utilizing monetary policy, the benefits of economic stability and confidence have greatly outweighed this setback so far.